Today i bring you a rundown of how things are going thus far. To begin with let me just say that as of today i am handling four accounts. While they are all doing fine, to the newcomer or the beginning trader reading this it might not look that way. This is why I am tell you this, I am also writing it to tell you about my plans for the coming account on myfxbook.
So to begin, all of the accounts are traded using my very own tatsumaki symbiosis trading system. Which you can read about here. The account used there to show examples and descriptions about how I trade the system is the 827 account, the other 826 was and is used for my Pamm trading. Please do not get this mixed up. There is also the client account, that I designate “client 1” and then there is the fourth account that is the new “xm” trading account.
The accounts are all doing fine but I will say that they are in different places in their life cycle, where as the xm account just started it does not represent my trading results at all another account such as the 826 does so very well. There is also the issue of taking money out of and putting it into other projects, this inflicts a very negative stamp on the accounts performance though in my mind should not do so at all. Never the less this is the case and I feel personally that it is a shame that otherwise very well performing trades are to be tarnished by such a simple act as profit taking.
To get a grip on this you can read more about the life of my Pamm account on its page over at instaforex. The short on that one is I invested some 200 usd in the project and when it was time to take the profits out the bottom line was 390, in the end I only got 376 back to my bank though. Fees and such do their part.. Also the other part of the funds on both the 827 and the 826 accounts are derived from bonuses, such as posting on instaforex forum. Winning some competitions, having my forum threads highlighted and things of the like got me some money and got me started there. That is where the “money” all came from to begin with and I will say proudly that I did not risk any of my own my at all in this, though I have done so in the past.
But I digress. All in all 826 and 827 pose zero risk to me at this point and I will continue to harvest them over time as I see fit. Then there is the issue of the client 1 account, while I will not and can not disclose who this belongs to I can state for the record that its performance has been similar to the one on the 827 account. I have been handling this client since the 7th of May this year and to this day the roi on the account is 102%, meaning I could if I wanted to take 100% of the invested amount out of the account leaving it open to continue trading while at zero invested amount. The maximum draw down is not over 30%, this is what the client wants.
My newest endeavor is the xm trading project:
So to begin, all of the accounts are traded using my very own tatsumaki symbiosis trading system. Which you can read about here. The account used there to show examples and descriptions about how I trade the system is the 827 account, the other 826 was and is used for my Pamm trading. Please do not get this mixed up. There is also the client account, that I designate “client 1” and then there is the fourth account that is the new “xm” trading account.
The accounts are all doing fine but I will say that they are in different places in their life cycle, where as the xm account just started it does not represent my trading results at all another account such as the 826 does so very well. There is also the issue of taking money out of and putting it into other projects, this inflicts a very negative stamp on the accounts performance though in my mind should not do so at all. Never the less this is the case and I feel personally that it is a shame that otherwise very well performing trades are to be tarnished by such a simple act as profit taking.
To get a grip on this you can read more about the life of my Pamm account on its page over at instaforex. The short on that one is I invested some 200 usd in the project and when it was time to take the profits out the bottom line was 390, in the end I only got 376 back to my bank though. Fees and such do their part.. Also the other part of the funds on both the 827 and the 826 accounts are derived from bonuses, such as posting on instaforex forum. Winning some competitions, having my forum threads highlighted and things of the like got me some money and got me started there. That is where the “money” all came from to begin with and I will say proudly that I did not risk any of my own my at all in this, though I have done so in the past.
But I digress. All in all 826 and 827 pose zero risk to me at this point and I will continue to harvest them over time as I see fit. Then there is the issue of the client 1 account, while I will not and can not disclose who this belongs to I can state for the record that its performance has been similar to the one on the 827 account. I have been handling this client since the 7th of May this year and to this day the roi on the account is 102%, meaning I could if I wanted to take 100% of the invested amount out of the account leaving it open to continue trading while at zero invested amount. The maximum draw down is not over 30%, this is what the client wants.
My newest endeavor is the xm trading project:
This account has been there doing not much of anything really, not yet anyway. I opened the account and have been since it's inception not sure of how I wanted to use it. I was talking to another broker which had very good terms but in the end I decided to go with Please note that the account has been running on bonus funds for the best part of two weeks, the sum of which are some 20 GBP. As of first November though I have invested capital in this. That is what I want to show by the picture, equity is very flat and suddenly there is a spike. This is where my money and strategy comes into play. Because of this the current draw down is shown as 22%, though I do not know when you read this.
The plan for this account is to have over 30% in total profits before 3 months so that it concurs with the requirements of an myfxbook autotrade account. Had I known earlier that my other accounts would look so bad because of me taking money out of them I wouldn't have done so, now I have to build my reputation up yet again. You could say i have to qualify, that is how i see it anyway. All so that I can achieve the status of “autotrade” account. That is where the xm is going now and that is the current plan.
Please note that I am very well able to both control myself while trading and also the amplitude that is used when placing trades, I am talking about trade size here. Though I am uncertain of how much is to much for the general follower since in my mind as long as results are there and the account is not at risk (by to much) I feel that the profits should be kept as high as possible. But if you as a potential copier/follower of my trades have a preference here then please tell me what it is so that I may scale my trades accordingly.
For example is 3% profits per month enough or do you want 5? Are daily fluctuations of 2% to much? Such questions are what I am talking about here. What I am trying to say is I have a volume knob and I can if needed turn the music way up or down depending on what the public wants.
Autotrade on myfxbook is a new feature to me that I did not know about even a month ago, I have no clue how long it has been around but it is a similar feature such as that of the Pamm account over at instaforex. To date I believe that I will have greater success trading at myfxbook then I’ve had over at instaforex, though this is all in my mind and I have no numbers to back this up.
Also my trading accounts, those who are public, are visible on myfxbook. Here are the links to them for those of you that are interested:
The 827
The 826 Pamm
The XM
The plan for this account is to have over 30% in total profits before 3 months so that it concurs with the requirements of an myfxbook autotrade account. Had I known earlier that my other accounts would look so bad because of me taking money out of them I wouldn't have done so, now I have to build my reputation up yet again. You could say i have to qualify, that is how i see it anyway. All so that I can achieve the status of “autotrade” account. That is where the xm is going now and that is the current plan.
Please note that I am very well able to both control myself while trading and also the amplitude that is used when placing trades, I am talking about trade size here. Though I am uncertain of how much is to much for the general follower since in my mind as long as results are there and the account is not at risk (by to much) I feel that the profits should be kept as high as possible. But if you as a potential copier/follower of my trades have a preference here then please tell me what it is so that I may scale my trades accordingly.
For example is 3% profits per month enough or do you want 5? Are daily fluctuations of 2% to much? Such questions are what I am talking about here. What I am trying to say is I have a volume knob and I can if needed turn the music way up or down depending on what the public wants.
Autotrade on myfxbook is a new feature to me that I did not know about even a month ago, I have no clue how long it has been around but it is a similar feature such as that of the Pamm account over at instaforex. To date I believe that I will have greater success trading at myfxbook then I’ve had over at instaforex, though this is all in my mind and I have no numbers to back this up.
Also my trading accounts, those who are public, are visible on myfxbook. Here are the links to them for those of you that are interested:
The 827
The 826 Pamm
The XM